Wednesday 9 May 2012

I am ready to Transform

Manipura means the lustrous gem ~ it's the sun of the body! it's element is fire and has 10 petals and colour is yellow. so the dance of the journey of the chakras've grounded in earth, flowed with water now prepare to ignite with fire! 

Fire ignites the light of consciousness, so through the prACTice you will activate your power towards a higher purpose (dharma) and transform. To embrace this chakra is to truly 100% embrACE your power and will. Manipura is the fuel, the fire, the sun, to liberate you so buckle up for the ride, the classes this week you will glow with the light of Manipura, allowing your will to be the essential spark that ignites the flames of your power...excited?!? let's rock the Shakti

Yes life or the yoga practice can be challenging at times, sometimes you may feel fear coming from the muladhara chakra, then the emotions swirl and rise from swadhisthana then through your will, your conscious action you move forward as manipura fire fuels your personal power to truimph! 

Shine brightly from this lustrous gem present within

Om shanti 

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